Aries - I have often likened Aries natives to puppy dogs - huge heart, boundless energy, endless loyalty and the ability to make everyone around them happy just by being so gosh darn cute. And as adorable as it is to watch you chase your own tail, I have to beg you to stop and realize that there are some things in this world that you are never going to catch, and even if you did, they would not make you happy.
Taurus - You've been building up to something for quite some time, and it looks as though zero hour is fast approaching. It might arrive sooner than you anticipated, or maybe later. Oh I know exactly when, I just don't know what your expectations are. It'll be a small window of opportunity though, so you better be paying close attention to every minute from here on in. Oh, and be sure about what it is you want so you'll know it when you see it. That'll save a lot of drama down the road.
Gemini - I bumped into a Gemini friend the other day and said 'Hi' and he said 'Well I can't imagine what Frank expected can you, I mean really if he....?' and I was instantly transported to the Gemini world of what (and who)the hell are we talking about? Try to remember this week that your inside voice is a dialogue, and not everyone can hear both halves of the conversation.
Cancer - Wouldn't it be nice if every time you walked into a room everybody in it stood up and applauded? If everywhere you went you were followed at a respectful distance by crowds of adoring fans and Paparazzi? How would you feel if all the people you were to meet for the rest of you life wanted nothing more from their own lives than to make you happy in any way they could? What more could you want? Seriously, what more do you want? Hmmmm?
Leo - There is a wicked vibe in your world over the next week. It's as though the song the sirens sang to Odysseus and his men was "Some Enchanted Evening". You're being lured, seduced, played....someone is not taking you seriously and you should be cautious and also, I gotta say, just a little offended. Be wary of fast talkers and don't be afraid to stalk off in high dudgeon.
Virgo - Okay so it doesn't feel like luck at the moment, but you just dodged a bullet. No way in hell are you going to believe me, but can we pretend for one minute that you do? Humour me. Each and every day for the next seven I want you to identify one thing - just one - that's good about the world you're actually in. You have amazing critical powers, use them to find the positive stuff.
Libra - Wow you have really been going through a lot lately haven't you? I mean to say what with the, uh, um well, there was that thing know...well honestly just exactly what is wrong? It may feel like a shit storm but the reality is that what you're experiencing is static in your radio frequency, not a disturbance in the force. Wearing a tinfoil hat for a few days should improve your perspective.
Scorpio - Ever stop to think about how much action ye olde knights in shining armour used to get? They'd be pretty popular, with all those grateful villagers and fainting virgins lining up to say thanks. Of course the danger was that some of that ardour would have cooled considerably in the time it took to get out of the tin suit. You're a hero this week and if you want to benefit from that then be a little vulnerable. At least oil your cod piece.
Sagittarius - You are confronted with what appears to be a Gordian knot - intricately woven and seemingly without ends. You can't tell where it started, have no idea where it will finish, and just when you think you might have a handle on it, the whole mess morphs into something completely new. The Alexandrian solution is the only way out - one bold stroke to sever the snarl; otherwise known as cutting through the crap.
Capricorn - Now may not be the best time for you to ditch your cautious approach to life and take a walk on the wild side. That being said you're going to do it anyway so take some advice before you head out the door this week. When you're playing the ponies place a little bet each way. Not so much cutting the risk as doubling your fun. And don't go anywhere without cab fare and your toothbrush. You just never know.
Aquarius - If this is a dream - and it probably is - you don't want to wake up now. The world may be shaking you by the shoulder, but you can hit the metaphorical snooze button for a while. Paradoxically, you can best achieve this by telling yourself that you are only dreaming. Revel in the dreaminess of everything. Show up naked and late for a quiz you're not prepared to write. In the waking world this is a bad thing; in dreamland it's just good fun.
Pisces - Why do people always say one thing and then do another altogether different thing? It's not fair! They promised! Well don't worry, you'll show them. They'll be so sorry when they find out what you're going to do. Well actually my little spitfire, they won't. For the next few days, "they" are rubber and you are glue. Act accordingly.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Blogoscopes - January 22nd - 29th, 2007
Aries – You are in a big dark echoey place where your senses have failed and you can’t tell up from down. You are cold, and confused and alone and so scared you can’t even scream. The cavalry is on the way, and by week’s end they’ll be here with light and warmth and blankets and everything needed to make you feel safe. Until then, if you want to stay sane, I recommend fainting – now.
Taurus – At this point in time the rest of the world can go fly a kite and it would be no skin off your nose: except, of course, for those special few, who are starring in your puppet drama. You’ve built an adorable little stage for them with real curtains and everything. You envision comedy, drama, pathos, possibly a Golden Globe. The problem is that no one but you has read the script. I’ve seen act three, and you better hope that nobody else does.
Gemini – Your’s is the sign that rules siblings, but I personally think that should only be youngest siblings. You possess a creative spirit that could be crushed by oldest child expectations or middle child peculiarities. You were born to be pampered, even spoiled. For the next seven days, Gemini, let’s pretend this is exactly how you were raised. Relax, and just assume that everything is being looked after on your behalf. It is.
Cancer – This is the week that you need to start trying to leave the house again. You have now extended the traditional holiday period to the point where people are starting rumours about you. Like maybe you died and got eaten by cats. Or maybe you had a nose job and are just waiting for the bruises to fade. Whatever, if you can’t actually step outdoors, at least get on the phone to everybody and either confirm or deny.
Leo – I know you kind of always think of yourself as bright and shiny, and this week you really are. Unfortunately, it’s not in a warm golden and godlike way, more like a highly polished fun house mirror. People are going to see themselves reflected in you, and see themselves distorted in you. This is going to have some disturbing consequences all up and down the love/hate spectrum.
Virgo – “Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid” (Goethe). ‘Bold about what?’ I hear you ask. This is the week for you to paint in big strokes using bright colours. Walk boldly, talk boldly, love boldly, act boldly, ask boldly. If you run out of ideas then Google (boldly) and keep going until I tell you to stop. Remember – mighty forces…on their way.
Libra – There are a surprising number of Libra born people who have been responsible for making great changes for the good in our world. They are individuals who have ignored public opinion and overcome all obstacles to the betterment of mankind, and like Mohandas Gandhi and John Lennon, they made their points in peaceful ways. So there you go Libra, just sit down and refuse to move until you get what you want. Pout your way to victory.
Scorpio – You are an extremely discerning person. Used car dealers tremble at your approach – they’ll never put one over on you. Real estate agents don’t even try to hide the cracks in the foundation – they know you’ll spot it. You can tell if a tomato is ripe from twenty paces away. There is, however, one area of your life in which a ginormous blind spot causes you to make the same really horrible mistake over and over again. I’ve given you the heads up; it’s your job to figure out what it is.
Sagittarius – Loose lips sink ships. Keep this in mind for the next few days. Write it on your bathroom mirror; stick it on the fridge; post-it-note it to your computer. This is not to suggest that Sagittarians are gossips. On the contrary, you fear being talked about too much to create that kind of karma. But, everyone you know is painfully aware of your predilection for blurting ugly truths. Uncontrolled verbalizing this week could reveal secrets that aren’t yours.
Capricorn – The time has come for you to take what you know and make it public. Assuming you’ve overcome your messiah complex and that your fly is done up, you should be well received by the masses and your success is assured. On the other hand, you could be taking yourself way too seriously and going off half-cocked. In which case, you’ll become a lot like Adam Sandler. The deeper meaning of you best work will be ignored and you’ll get laughed at for all the wrong reasons.
Aquarius – You are always on the cusp of everything new that is happening and this week I predict that you are going to discover something totally groundbreaking and hot on the social scene. It hasn’t really been organized yet, in fact nobody else has even truly recognized it. Which means, that this is your chance to be the revered trendsetter you’ve dreamt of becoming. I’m not even going to hint at what this new scene is, but you and I both know – nudge nudge.
Pisces – It often happens that the first word anybody ever learns in any language – first or second – is a swear word. And as you are hopefully aware, different cultures are offended by very different words. As you go through the next couple of weeks you will learn to curse fluently in several different tongues, which you will then trip over as you insult people with the words of someone else’s language.
Taurus – At this point in time the rest of the world can go fly a kite and it would be no skin off your nose: except, of course, for those special few, who are starring in your puppet drama. You’ve built an adorable little stage for them with real curtains and everything. You envision comedy, drama, pathos, possibly a Golden Globe. The problem is that no one but you has read the script. I’ve seen act three, and you better hope that nobody else does.
Gemini – Your’s is the sign that rules siblings, but I personally think that should only be youngest siblings. You possess a creative spirit that could be crushed by oldest child expectations or middle child peculiarities. You were born to be pampered, even spoiled. For the next seven days, Gemini, let’s pretend this is exactly how you were raised. Relax, and just assume that everything is being looked after on your behalf. It is.
Cancer – This is the week that you need to start trying to leave the house again. You have now extended the traditional holiday period to the point where people are starting rumours about you. Like maybe you died and got eaten by cats. Or maybe you had a nose job and are just waiting for the bruises to fade. Whatever, if you can’t actually step outdoors, at least get on the phone to everybody and either confirm or deny.
Leo – I know you kind of always think of yourself as bright and shiny, and this week you really are. Unfortunately, it’s not in a warm golden and godlike way, more like a highly polished fun house mirror. People are going to see themselves reflected in you, and see themselves distorted in you. This is going to have some disturbing consequences all up and down the love/hate spectrum.
Virgo – “Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid” (Goethe). ‘Bold about what?’ I hear you ask. This is the week for you to paint in big strokes using bright colours. Walk boldly, talk boldly, love boldly, act boldly, ask boldly. If you run out of ideas then Google (boldly) and keep going until I tell you to stop. Remember – mighty forces…on their way.
Libra – There are a surprising number of Libra born people who have been responsible for making great changes for the good in our world. They are individuals who have ignored public opinion and overcome all obstacles to the betterment of mankind, and like Mohandas Gandhi and John Lennon, they made their points in peaceful ways. So there you go Libra, just sit down and refuse to move until you get what you want. Pout your way to victory.
Scorpio – You are an extremely discerning person. Used car dealers tremble at your approach – they’ll never put one over on you. Real estate agents don’t even try to hide the cracks in the foundation – they know you’ll spot it. You can tell if a tomato is ripe from twenty paces away. There is, however, one area of your life in which a ginormous blind spot causes you to make the same really horrible mistake over and over again. I’ve given you the heads up; it’s your job to figure out what it is.
Sagittarius – Loose lips sink ships. Keep this in mind for the next few days. Write it on your bathroom mirror; stick it on the fridge; post-it-note it to your computer. This is not to suggest that Sagittarians are gossips. On the contrary, you fear being talked about too much to create that kind of karma. But, everyone you know is painfully aware of your predilection for blurting ugly truths. Uncontrolled verbalizing this week could reveal secrets that aren’t yours.
Capricorn – The time has come for you to take what you know and make it public. Assuming you’ve overcome your messiah complex and that your fly is done up, you should be well received by the masses and your success is assured. On the other hand, you could be taking yourself way too seriously and going off half-cocked. In which case, you’ll become a lot like Adam Sandler. The deeper meaning of you best work will be ignored and you’ll get laughed at for all the wrong reasons.
Aquarius – You are always on the cusp of everything new that is happening and this week I predict that you are going to discover something totally groundbreaking and hot on the social scene. It hasn’t really been organized yet, in fact nobody else has even truly recognized it. Which means, that this is your chance to be the revered trendsetter you’ve dreamt of becoming. I’m not even going to hint at what this new scene is, but you and I both know – nudge nudge.
Pisces – It often happens that the first word anybody ever learns in any language – first or second – is a swear word. And as you are hopefully aware, different cultures are offended by very different words. As you go through the next couple of weeks you will learn to curse fluently in several different tongues, which you will then trip over as you insult people with the words of someone else’s language.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Blogoscopes January 15 - 22, 2007
Aries - Last Monday I suggested that you had a choice between diving into the deep end, and sitting at the poolside bar (see archives ). Typically you've decided to do both and I applaud your joie de vivre. Be sure that you're joie-ing in the deep end because, as we all know, if you dive on the poolside bar, you're cut off for like a week.
Taurus - Make some time this week to do something really nice for yourself. Maybe a spa day would be in order. If a top to toe buff and polish doesn't sound like your thing, perhaps you should go shopping. Buy some accessories. Or shoes. Or accessories for your shoes. Kindness is the order of the day, but don't spoil yourself because ultimately that would defeat the purpose.
Gemini - It's a big week for you Gemini. There is an incredible opportunity coming your way; a once in a lifetime kind of thing that fulfills dreams you didn't even know you had. This is a very limited time offer so by all means act now, but don't let the terrifying sense of urgency tempt you to sell yourself cheaply.
Cancer - I'd be hard pressed to believe that you're even planning on leaving the house this week. Of course strictly speaking, that's not true. You'll have to leave the house in order to go to work and earn enough money to keep the house. Or at least that's what they'd like you to believe.
Leo - Everything going on in the world this week revolves around you. That's not really the case, but you do love drama and the days ahead could get you the Oscar nod. Oh sure, you'd have to be a last minute write-in, but hell if popular acclaim can get Due South renewed, it could really move things forward for you.
Virgo - Right now, you are somewhere between a rock and a hard place - like Bambi meeting Godzilla, Virgoland is suddenly under attack from an alien world that thinks postal codes are important but manners aren't. This has left you feeling isolated, confused and not a little miffed. Have faith Virgo, even as you read this, there are others of your kind seeking you out.
Libra - The science fair is this week and you just have to win it. You've worked really hard to get everything just right, and the only thing left to do is fret. You have no idea what I'm trying to say and if you really wanted to know you'd take your fingers out of your ears and stop yodelling.
Scorpio - You may be playing the sexual martyr these days Scorpio but I don't think that even you can still believe that this spell of abstinence is your choice. The truth is you've been cut off from something that you weren't getting to begin with. You are about to discover that you only wanted it because you couldn't have it - you've lost nothing.
Sagittarius - Are you working for an escort agency or a massage parlour? I ask because it seems unlikely that you're making money through a satanic cult, but there is definitely something evil and/or obscene about the ease with which you are attracting recognition and rewards. And when I say evil and/or obscene, I mean in a good way.
Capricorn - Did you ever wonder why, when politicians are running for public office, you so rarely see any actual running? You're not that lucky. You've definitely declared your intentions, but since you don't have your own well-oiled political machine, you will actually have to do some of the work yourself. Think of it as a photo op, like Bill Clinton jogging.
Aquarius - Have you ever thought that if only you could find the right words, you could change the world? Well here's your opportunity. Step into the motley of the Holy Fool and fight ignorance and oppression everywhere with your wisdom and humour. That's the grown up version of the smart ass.
Pisces - Wow if you thought the asylum was a mad house (snicker) just wait until you get home and see the mess that's accumulated there since you left. I suggest that you adapt the institutional framework to your personal life. Medication at regular intervals and restraints when required.
Taurus - Make some time this week to do something really nice for yourself. Maybe a spa day would be in order. If a top to toe buff and polish doesn't sound like your thing, perhaps you should go shopping. Buy some accessories. Or shoes. Or accessories for your shoes. Kindness is the order of the day, but don't spoil yourself because ultimately that would defeat the purpose.
Gemini - It's a big week for you Gemini. There is an incredible opportunity coming your way; a once in a lifetime kind of thing that fulfills dreams you didn't even know you had. This is a very limited time offer so by all means act now, but don't let the terrifying sense of urgency tempt you to sell yourself cheaply.
Cancer - I'd be hard pressed to believe that you're even planning on leaving the house this week. Of course strictly speaking, that's not true. You'll have to leave the house in order to go to work and earn enough money to keep the house. Or at least that's what they'd like you to believe.
Leo - Everything going on in the world this week revolves around you. That's not really the case, but you do love drama and the days ahead could get you the Oscar nod. Oh sure, you'd have to be a last minute write-in, but hell if popular acclaim can get Due South renewed, it could really move things forward for you.
Virgo - Right now, you are somewhere between a rock and a hard place - like Bambi meeting Godzilla, Virgoland is suddenly under attack from an alien world that thinks postal codes are important but manners aren't. This has left you feeling isolated, confused and not a little miffed. Have faith Virgo, even as you read this, there are others of your kind seeking you out.
Libra - The science fair is this week and you just have to win it. You've worked really hard to get everything just right, and the only thing left to do is fret. You have no idea what I'm trying to say and if you really wanted to know you'd take your fingers out of your ears and stop yodelling.
Scorpio - You may be playing the sexual martyr these days Scorpio but I don't think that even you can still believe that this spell of abstinence is your choice. The truth is you've been cut off from something that you weren't getting to begin with. You are about to discover that you only wanted it because you couldn't have it - you've lost nothing.
Sagittarius - Are you working for an escort agency or a massage parlour? I ask because it seems unlikely that you're making money through a satanic cult, but there is definitely something evil and/or obscene about the ease with which you are attracting recognition and rewards. And when I say evil and/or obscene, I mean in a good way.
Capricorn - Did you ever wonder why, when politicians are running for public office, you so rarely see any actual running? You're not that lucky. You've definitely declared your intentions, but since you don't have your own well-oiled political machine, you will actually have to do some of the work yourself. Think of it as a photo op, like Bill Clinton jogging.
Aquarius - Have you ever thought that if only you could find the right words, you could change the world? Well here's your opportunity. Step into the motley of the Holy Fool and fight ignorance and oppression everywhere with your wisdom and humour. That's the grown up version of the smart ass.
Pisces - Wow if you thought the asylum was a mad house (snicker) just wait until you get home and see the mess that's accumulated there since you left. I suggest that you adapt the institutional framework to your personal life. Medication at regular intervals and restraints when required.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Blogoscopes January 8th to January 15th
Aries - You've got a couple of months of quiet time ahead of you. Try to honour the ancient cycle of nature by spending some quality time alone, meditating, gestating meaningful life goals and preparing for a personal rebirth. Or you could start getting drunk at lunch and get caught having sex with the mailman. Matter of personal taste I'd say.
Taurus - You, Taurus are locked into a trajectory like a gutter ball at Bowlerama. There honestly isn't anything more you can do at this point; you're going to succeed and no matter how hard you try, you can't fuck this one up. You are about to run head on into everything you've ever wanted. Don't wet yourself.
Gemini - You may have overspent a bit toward the end of last year, but honestly you had such a good time. Do you really wish you had done it differently? Stop worrying about the money. So what if you can't imagine where it's going to come from? That just means that it could come from anywhere! And that is a good thing.
Cancer - You appear to be having an extended vacation. Or maybe you're down with a bad bout of flu. Luckily, there' s no reason at all for you to leave home at the moment. In fact, you could safely remain in hibernation for a few more weeks. Telecommute to your own life.
Leo - You still have a lot of work to get done, but there's no need to be all nose to the grindstone about it. In fact, if you give your creativity a bit of free rein, you'll actually make some significant progress. Be totally left brain for a while. Hell, go all out and be silly. Whistle while you work. Might not make it more enjoyable for you but it'll bug the shit out of somebody else and that can be it's own reward.
Virgo - You may have a sudden change of heart this week. There doesn't appear to be any particular reason for this, and I don't think that you'll really know what prompted it. You feel as though you're not quite in your own skin and you're pretty quick to assign blame for that elsewhere. How about just spending a couple of days on your own before you make any hasty decisions?
Libra - Right now your life is like early season three of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Faith and Buffy saving the world and looking hot doing it. Sadly, they let a man come between them. If you don't want to finish your week the way season three ended for our two heroines, then I recommend that you shelve all your unresolved father issues for just a little bit longer.
Scorpio - Well if it isn't little goody two shoes. May I ask the purpose of this insane charade? Just how long do you think you can keep the new love of your life from discovering who you really are? You're not doing anybody any favours, least of all yourself. You can and should be loved for the drooling horn dog that you are.
Sagittarius - You're like a leprechaun this week and your good fortune is infectious. There's plenty to go around but you might want to be mindful of this helpful advice: don't share your lotto numbers, don't give stock tips, and don't let anybody rub your head or stick their fingers in you ear or whatever other gross things people like to do to their lucky charms.
Capricorn - You are at the mid heaven of your fifteen minutes of fame - which means you 're seven and a half down and seven and a half to go. This might be a good time to go abroad. Once you bring your fame to another country it's like you've got another fifteen minutes. With air travel and time changes, you could create fame Doppler and be in the limelight for quite a while!
Aquarius - How often have you been told not to talk to strangers? Ignore that and start talking to everybody. Wherever you are and whatever you're doing, give them your two cents worth. Yes, most people will think you are weird. But you can make friends with the ones who don't and then you and your new pals can have fun hanging out and being superior.
Pisces - It's basket weaving week at the home. Lots of calm, repetitive activity that serves no purpose but makes you feel as though you've accomplished something. No shame in that Pisces, in the past, you've spent more energy deluding yourself about less harmless things. So weave away! Just don't make a religion out of it.
Taurus - You, Taurus are locked into a trajectory like a gutter ball at Bowlerama. There honestly isn't anything more you can do at this point; you're going to succeed and no matter how hard you try, you can't fuck this one up. You are about to run head on into everything you've ever wanted. Don't wet yourself.
Gemini - You may have overspent a bit toward the end of last year, but honestly you had such a good time. Do you really wish you had done it differently? Stop worrying about the money. So what if you can't imagine where it's going to come from? That just means that it could come from anywhere! And that is a good thing.
Cancer - You appear to be having an extended vacation. Or maybe you're down with a bad bout of flu. Luckily, there' s no reason at all for you to leave home at the moment. In fact, you could safely remain in hibernation for a few more weeks. Telecommute to your own life.
Leo - You still have a lot of work to get done, but there's no need to be all nose to the grindstone about it. In fact, if you give your creativity a bit of free rein, you'll actually make some significant progress. Be totally left brain for a while. Hell, go all out and be silly. Whistle while you work. Might not make it more enjoyable for you but it'll bug the shit out of somebody else and that can be it's own reward.
Virgo - You may have a sudden change of heart this week. There doesn't appear to be any particular reason for this, and I don't think that you'll really know what prompted it. You feel as though you're not quite in your own skin and you're pretty quick to assign blame for that elsewhere. How about just spending a couple of days on your own before you make any hasty decisions?
Libra - Right now your life is like early season three of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Faith and Buffy saving the world and looking hot doing it. Sadly, they let a man come between them. If you don't want to finish your week the way season three ended for our two heroines, then I recommend that you shelve all your unresolved father issues for just a little bit longer.
Scorpio - Well if it isn't little goody two shoes. May I ask the purpose of this insane charade? Just how long do you think you can keep the new love of your life from discovering who you really are? You're not doing anybody any favours, least of all yourself. You can and should be loved for the drooling horn dog that you are.
Sagittarius - You're like a leprechaun this week and your good fortune is infectious. There's plenty to go around but you might want to be mindful of this helpful advice: don't share your lotto numbers, don't give stock tips, and don't let anybody rub your head or stick their fingers in you ear or whatever other gross things people like to do to their lucky charms.
Capricorn - You are at the mid heaven of your fifteen minutes of fame - which means you 're seven and a half down and seven and a half to go. This might be a good time to go abroad. Once you bring your fame to another country it's like you've got another fifteen minutes. With air travel and time changes, you could create fame Doppler and be in the limelight for quite a while!
Aquarius - How often have you been told not to talk to strangers? Ignore that and start talking to everybody. Wherever you are and whatever you're doing, give them your two cents worth. Yes, most people will think you are weird. But you can make friends with the ones who don't and then you and your new pals can have fun hanging out and being superior.
Pisces - It's basket weaving week at the home. Lots of calm, repetitive activity that serves no purpose but makes you feel as though you've accomplished something. No shame in that Pisces, in the past, you've spent more energy deluding yourself about less harmless things. So weave away! Just don't make a religion out of it.
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