Saturday, January 27, 2007

Blogoscopes January 29th - February 5th

Aries - I have often likened Aries natives to puppy dogs - huge heart, boundless energy, endless loyalty and the ability to make everyone around them happy just by being so gosh darn cute. And as adorable as it is to watch you chase your own tail, I have to beg you to stop and realize that there are some things in this world that you are never going to catch, and even if you did, they would not make you happy.

Taurus - You've been building up to something for quite some time, and it looks as though zero hour is fast approaching. It might arrive sooner than you anticipated, or maybe later. Oh I know exactly when, I just don't know what your expectations are. It'll be a small window of opportunity though, so you better be paying close attention to every minute from here on in. Oh, and be sure about what it is you want so you'll know it when you see it. That'll save a lot of drama down the road.

Gemini - I bumped into a Gemini friend the other day and said 'Hi' and he said 'Well I can't imagine what Frank expected can you, I mean really if he....?' and I was instantly transported to the Gemini world of what (and who)the hell are we talking about? Try to remember this week that your inside voice is a dialogue, and not everyone can hear both halves of the conversation.

Cancer - Wouldn't it be nice if every time you walked into a room everybody in it stood up and applauded? If everywhere you went you were followed at a respectful distance by crowds of adoring fans and Paparazzi? How would you feel if all the people you were to meet for the rest of you life wanted nothing more from their own lives than to make you happy in any way they could? What more could you want? Seriously, what more do you want? Hmmmm?

Leo - There is a wicked vibe in your world over the next week. It's as though the song the sirens sang to Odysseus and his men was "Some Enchanted Evening". You're being lured, seduced, played....someone is not taking you seriously and you should be cautious and also, I gotta say, just a little offended. Be wary of fast talkers and don't be afraid to stalk off in high dudgeon.

Virgo - Okay so it doesn't feel like luck at the moment, but you just dodged a bullet. No way in hell are you going to believe me, but can we pretend for one minute that you do? Humour me. Each and every day for the next seven I want you to identify one thing - just one - that's good about the world you're actually in. You have amazing critical powers, use them to find the positive stuff.

Libra - Wow you have really been going through a lot lately haven't you? I mean to say what with the, uh, um well, there was that thing know...well honestly just exactly what is wrong? It may feel like a shit storm but the reality is that what you're experiencing is static in your radio frequency, not a disturbance in the force. Wearing a tinfoil hat for a few days should improve your perspective.

Scorpio - Ever stop to think about how much action ye olde knights in shining armour used to get? They'd be pretty popular, with all those grateful villagers and fainting virgins lining up to say thanks. Of course the danger was that some of that ardour would have cooled considerably in the time it took to get out of the tin suit. You're a hero this week and if you want to benefit from that then be a little vulnerable. At least oil your cod piece.

Sagittarius - You are confronted with what appears to be a Gordian knot - intricately woven and seemingly without ends. You can't tell where it started, have no idea where it will finish, and just when you think you might have a handle on it, the whole mess morphs into something completely new. The Alexandrian solution is the only way out - one bold stroke to sever the snarl; otherwise known as cutting through the crap.

Capricorn - Now may not be the best time for you to ditch your cautious approach to life and take a walk on the wild side. That being said you're going to do it anyway so take some advice before you head out the door this week. When you're playing the ponies place a little bet each way. Not so much cutting the risk as doubling your fun. And don't go anywhere without cab fare and your toothbrush. You just never know.

Aquarius - If this is a dream - and it probably is - you don't want to wake up now. The world may be shaking you by the shoulder, but you can hit the metaphorical snooze button for a while. Paradoxically, you can best achieve this by telling yourself that you are only dreaming. Revel in the dreaminess of everything. Show up naked and late for a quiz you're not prepared to write. In the waking world this is a bad thing; in dreamland it's just good fun.

Pisces - Why do people always say one thing and then do another altogether different thing? It's not fair! They promised! Well don't worry, you'll show them. They'll be so sorry when they find out what you're going to do. Well actually my little spitfire, they won't. For the next few days, "they" are rubber and you are glue. Act accordingly.

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