Sunday, February 11, 2007

Blogoscopes February 12th - 19th 2007

Aries - Can you say cookie? This week someone serves you an incredible dinner and then willingly fulfills every sexual fantasy you have ever entertained. For now, don't worry about who that someone might be. I promise you'll feel loved.

Taurus - Romantically speaking, you seem to have just missed the boat. It doesn't matter, because the skies are indicating a universal conspiracy to support you in a far deeper and more loving manner than any candy hearts ever could.

Gemini - You're spoilt for choice this week and that's just the way you like it. So many lovers, so little time - oooh so many presents. Two things to keep in mind - you're worth more than diamonds, and 'no' is a perfectly acceptable choice.

Cancer - You are swept off your feet, whisked away to exotic destinations and woo'ed at the speed of light. Go with it! Let yourself be adored, pampered, catered to, and spoiled. When you finally come back down to earth, it will be a far nicer earth then the one you left behind.

Leo - This is so sexy; you've met a great conversationalist. You love having your ego stroked, but you like to have your mind stroked too. Differing opinions can be hot - temperatures rising, passions heating up - sometimes there's only one way to settle an argument.

Virgo - The party's at your place this week. What starts as a quiet celebration of your love in its purest form, becomes a gathering of all those drawn to your nurturing light. Don't worry you don't have to cook for them all - get the caterers in.

Libra - You can't decide whether to stay in and be good or go out and be bad. HEY! Stay in and be bad. Start slowly - how about dinner a deux - in bed? After that, who knows, you might even forget to do the dishes. You're a wild one.

Scorpio - Love comes to you like a pat on the head. It's a reward. It also made the first move - a daunting scenario for you. New Mantra - "I've got what it takes". You really do have what it takes, so just get over it and get down to the fun stuff.

Sagittarius - You may need more alone time this week. Nothing wrong with that. You don't need to let a calendar rule your emotions. I do think you'll be able to find enough of whatever you need to be calm within yourself and still indulge in some loving silliness.

Capricorn - You're the whole enchilada this week - full of beans, happy as a clam, sweet as honey and wholesome as apple pie. Someone just wants to eat you up, but they're thinking cozy table and candlelight, you're thinking picnic. Don't compromise! You will get your way.

Aquarius - All Aquarians know what it's like to be Spiderman. Worlds to save - no time for love. All those sticky emotions could be a trap for our hero. This week the world throws a great big "Thanks for Saving Me" party in your honour.

Pisces - Congratulations, you've won a 7 day all expense paid trip to Guilt Free. Nothing you do now will have any lasting effect so go ahead and let your hair down; you can deny it all later. Can I recommend the sleepwalking defence?

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