Sunday, July 22, 2007

Blogoscopes Week of July 16th to July 23rd 2007

Aries - Maybe this is obvious, but I think that the kinds of super heroes we worship - as individuals and in groups - say as much about the things that we fear as they do about what we dream. Our heroes overcome what makes us cower, embody the qualities to which we most aspire, and fight their battles on a field so epic we feel only it's echo. Do you want to know the real secret behind being a successful super hero? Knowing when to leave - and yes, super heroes always have to leave.

- Ooooh I love a good voyage to the underworld; in fact I'd say that at least one is essential to any life story worth telling - or living for that matter. The borderline between this world and that is often invisible and suddenly we can be falling ass over teakettle into an inky void. Right now you may be confused by the fact that your path appears to be illuminated and you can see clearly what's ahead. Don't be fooled into thinking you're Diogenes carrying a torch of truth - chances are more likely you're the canary in a coal mine.

Gemini - I seriously question the efficacy of anything that claims to be dual purpose; camera/phone, shampoo/conditioner, singer/drummer - it just doesn't seem possible for both things to be done well at the same time. The only exception that comes to mind is chainsaw juggler/tightrope walker. A person couldn't afford to suck at either of them and the challenge of one would add to the excitement of the other. I gotta say though that your decision to work without a net may be taking things a bit too far.

- Do you know why I love the BBC? Because unlike other television stations, their website contains such features as 3D spinning views of sea monsters that have been extinct for tens of millions of years - one of which is currently grasping your ankle in an attempt to yank you under. Check out the Grand Orthocone cause you're definitely in the grip of something much closer to the top of the food chain than you are. Not to worry - just keeping bobbing and shouting - the Sun will be up soon and that's when all monsters let go.

Leo - Do you know how to make yourself invisible? It's a little bit like being certain nobody sees you, but not so sneaky. And I'm sure it doesn't appeal to you even a little bit. You don't just like to be seen, you need it. Which is`why you are just a tad cranky at the moment, because it seems as though people are not just unable to see you, they're unwilling. Notice I said seems - odds are that it's you who's not seeing things clearly - everyone else is simply unable to gaze directly upon your wonderful shininess.

Virgo - You're not one to underestimate the power of a grand entrance. You are, however, almost phobic about anything ostentatious. No one knows better than you that there is a fine line between being the centre of attention and being a laughing stock. Don't fret - even though all eyes are currently on you, no one will mock because at least fifty percent of them are watching in admiration as you receive your award for a job well done, and the other fifty percent are holding their breath waiting to see what you'll do next.

Libra - I used to have a friend who kept Piranhas. More than a little bit hideous, they still managed to be fascinating and their Friday night feedings became social rituals for the small group of weirdos I hung with then. There was something chilling about watching as each of the goldfish was devoured. They appeared completely unaware, but I wondered if there was ever a moment when the last one thought 'I don't have a good feeling about this'. My advise to you right now is just keep swimming, and yes, in circles if you have to.

Scorpio - I recently came across the equation "time = distance divided by speed". That raises a couple of questions for me, the first of which is does sitting still stop time? The second question is, how do you determine a value for speed without reference to time? Because I've also encountered the equation "speed = distance divided by time" So if, as it seems, both time and speed are relative, what does that mean for the equation "distance = time multiplied by speed"? Is life really nothing more than a run on the hamster's wheel?

Sagittarius - So the offers are starting to pour in from the tabloids, the professional journals and the full colour glossies - Oprah will be calling any day now. But here's the thing - you've always worn your integrity like a merit badge and there is a part of this cheap fame that really seems like a corruption of all that you stand for. If you're just selective about where you sell out it'll be fine right? And do you have what it takes to say no to Oprah? There's not much I can say here, if you really did have Big Foot's baby you should probably own up to it.

Capricorn - Everybody has heard of the backyard barbecue - in North America that is. It's a ritual, a celebration, the thing we dream of during our snowy hibernation. The first warmish day of the year finds the air filled with the aroma of searing meat. July is a good time for you to start a new ritual - the front yard barbecue. Why hide away behind your house? Celebrating in full view has several benefits - first, you'll meet all your neighbours, probably even make new friends, and second the old friends are less likely to misbehave in full view of the world.

Aquarius - I saw a bit on Yahoo this week about a woman who lives in an 84 square foot home which she built herself. Eco friendly and portable, it's like a fairy tale cottage capable of manoeuvring through space. Your dream home doesn't need to be this small; it needn't be on wheels; it doesn't necessarily need to exist in this universe or time continuum. At best though, it should be something you created for yourself that is just the right size to contain only what you truly need. you know what your dream home looks like?

Pisces - Everything is relative, relatively speaking. Tricky concept for someone like you who is more at home with the concrete, but if you are prepared to waffle just a little on what constitutes actual really real reality I think you'll find that you like it. To wit...if you're currently having difficulty accepting that what you thought was up is really down and vice versa, how about this - concentrate on believing that anvils are lighter than air and that the average twelve inch balloon weighs about two hundred pounds.

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