Saturday, June 09, 2007

Blogoscope Week of June 11 to June 18th 2007

Aries - You've never been able to forget how embarrassed you were the first time you got caught doing something you weren't supposed to do. Maybe you stole a chocolate bar, had a boy in your room, or were smoking in the school washroom; whatever it was, it made you see the world in a whole new way. You have never been a fence sitter, and in a heartbeat you came down firmly on one side. You were either firmly-in-favour-of or strongly-opposed-to, the getting noticed thing. Still happy with that decision? This week, your own personal way-back machine takes you to a place where you can test the "grass is always greener" theory and check out the other side of that choice.

Taurus - Ahhhh....yummy math; the basis of all that is good and beautiful, the foundation of creation. There are those who scoff and insist that the answer to life's most important questions is not to be found in a formula. These doubters would insist that there is no heart in numbers, no music, no romance, no love. Well they'd be wrong. Sadly, it's doubtful that any of them are going to realize their mistake within the next few days, and you currently don't seem able to communicate without a calculator. Which, if you'll excuse me pointing out, would appear to support the heresy. Ever considered an abacus? Lo-tech, bright colours - could be a winner.

Gemini - When I'm travelling in Europe one of the things I want to make a point of seeing wherever I go, is fireworks displays. I don't care what they might celebrate, or who sponsors them, I just want to watch pretty things that sparkle in the sky and listen to things go boom, boom boom boomboomboom boom boomboom. I once saw the English team compete with rockets that rose and fell and then rose again! It was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. Keep that in mind as this week progresses. Your meteoric rise is about to reach a zenith and you'll discover that what comes down, must go up. I'm the one on the ground ooohing and aaahing.

Cancer - Five, four , three, two, one....blast off! You are moments away from clearing the Earth's atmosphere and the only question you need to ask yourself is, do you want to slip obediently into orbit, or do you want to just keep right on going? Aside from the terrifying fact that nobody really knows what's out there, this is not the Enterprise your piloting so maybe you should be playing it safe. But then again, where did a fixed orbit ever get anybody? Nowhere or anywhere, which will it be? Keep in mind, you'll be out of radio contact with the everybody else in the whole world for about the next 3 weeks, and from what I hear, it's lonely out in space.

Leo - You're starting to feel as though your condition has been upgraded from critical to stable and it's beginning to look as if you're going to pull through. The transition back to blooming health will not be without a few hiccups but as recoveries go this one will be pretty smooth. In fact it'll be just like having a dream where you were like the plucky little engine that could and your struggles result in fame, wealth, and the keys to the city and then you wake up to discover that it's all true and your friends are busy throwing you the biggest congratulations party ever! Don't let on I said anything; it's a surprise.

Virgo - Here's the scene: Glorious sunny day - you, strolling down the street, happy as a clam and groovin' on the day when suddenly who should you spy walking toward you but the last person on Earth you want to see. Don't start thinking you know who it's going to be because you probably don't have a clue. Caught off guard and seized by a sudden almost overwhelming panic, your feral instincts take over and you scan your environs desperately seeking a way out, a place to hide. Quick! Dive, dive, dive, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, the ground will open at your feet and if you want, it can swallow you whole.

Libra - Ever watched Airline? Crazy people with unreal expectations, an over-inflated sense of their own importance and only the sketchiest understanding of geography. Easy to see from the couch; not so easy to spot when you're in the middle of it. You've got some serious expectations about a looming event horizon and the surest way for you to avoid the craziness is to watch it from the couch before you enter the fray. Perspective is everything and if you've got it going in, it's easier to hang onto. Conversely you could practice foaming at the mouth, it's sure to get you in front of the cameras.

Scorpio - I know I've mentioned in previous columns that you sometimes have a problem making yourself understood. It's not your fault. You know what you want and you are clearly asking for it - I mean asking for it clearly. Apparently though, you live in a world of the perpetually confused which creates scenes of hysterical laughter in situation comedies, but is not so funny in a real world application. Okay, so sometimes it can make for some great stories later on but sometimes it's just plain embarrassing. There's lots of comedy material coming your way this week, so take notes.

Sagittarius - We've all heard it said that it's hard to get good help, and it's harder still when you don't even ask for help. Well maybe, just maybe, you don't need to ask for help. If you just sit still, don't say a word and look pretty I think you'll find that help will come and ask for you. Are you hungry? thirsty? Would you like a foot massage? A Hamburger? Tell you what, here's your blankie, you just curl up here and have a little bit of a nap, sweet dreams and when you wake up everything will be just the way you've always wanted it. Hey stop fussing, you've already got good help - don't fire them.

Capricorn - Obssessed is really such an ugly word. Absorbed, is a much better. Interested, enthusiastic and committed will do nicely. You're experiencing an abnormal lapse in self-consciousness. You're so excited about what it is that you're doing, you've forgotten to worry about how it looks to those around you. Just for the record, yes your friends do think you've lost you mind. This is a serious case of right shoe/left foot and you've got a lot of tolerance equity built up. Abandon yourself to your, um, hobby, and trust that soon you will regain your sanity, everyone else will lose theirs and all will be right with the world.

Aquarius - You always like to be ahead of the pack and these days you're so far ahead that it looks as though you're miles behind. Know what I mean? Okay, sure, it's a little confusing, but try to look as though you know what's going on. Better still, try to look as though you meant to do exactly what it is that you did. Whatever that was. Maybe your mother was right all along. Maybe sometimes you are just too smart for your own good. No, probably not, although it is entirely possible that the butt you're sneaking up on is your own. Slow down, this is not a race , because if it was you'd be about to lap yourself.

Pisces - It's like you went to sleep in your own bed last night and woke up riding TopGun at Wonderland. The world is turned on its head and you're literally flying by the seat of your pants in a zero gravity situation at warp speed. A barf bag won't help you here (see above re: zero gravity) so you need a really quick way to control the spins. You could always go back to sleep and hope you wake up somewhere better next time. Or, you could focus on the horizon until the dizziness passes and then take the time to look around and see if maybe this upside down thing isn't pretty cool after all. Who knows, it may turn out to be just your style.

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